Letter F Tracing Worksheets
This pack of Letter F tracing worksheets is perfect for providing preschoolers with a chance to work on early writing skills.
Letter tracing can be a fun way for young learners to practice writing the letters of the alphabet.
This pack of letter tracing worksheets is designed to help teach the the letter Ff, its beginning sound, and letter shapes, as well as make it easier for kids to practice writing.

These free preschool printables are perfect for your Letter of the Week lesson plans.
They can also be used with older children for extra handwriting practice and to reinforce letter recognition and beginning sounds.
Letter F Tracing Worksheets
Tracing shapes and lines is an important skill that helps preschoolers and kindergarteners develop coordination and motor skills, which will prepare them for activities such as coloring, drawing, and handwriting.
Tracing letters helps children learn about the shape of each letter by repeating it over and over again as they trace both lowercase and uppercase letters on our simple black-and-white worksheets.
When you provide your preschoolers with opportunities to hone their tracing skills, you’re helping to build a foundation of success as they progress to higher level reading and writing skills.
These no-prep alphabet tracing printables are perfect any time of the year. Add them to your preschool themes as they are appropriate, or use them to focus on one letter at a time.

These Letter Ff alphabet worksheets are perfect for older preschool and kindergarten kiddos.
They can also be used with slightly older children who need a little extra reinforcement.
With these alphabet worksheets, kids will practice letter recognition, beginning sounds, and handwriting with the worksheets in this ten-page pack.
Because they don’t require any prep work, they’re great for both classroom and homeschool use.
You can use them for morning work, handwriting instruction, and/or literacy centers with your kids ages 3-6.

There are eight Letter Ff tracing worksheets included in this no-prep worksheet pack. They include the following Letter Ff words:
- F is for flea.
- F is for fish.
- Pair this printable with these color by number fish worksheets.
- F is for fireplace.
- F is for feather.
- Pair this printable with this F is for Feather craft.
- F is for fairy.
- Pair this worksheet with these spring fairies printables.
- F is for fan.
- F is for flag.
- F is for frog.
- Pair this worksheet with this 5 Green Speckled Frogs printable.

If you’d like to use these pages as a one-time activity, print them on regular printer paper. Have your preschooler trace the image at the top of the page.
Then, have them trace the letters F and f at the bottom of the page. If desired, they can then color the picture.
If you’d like to make these pages reusable, print them on cardstock and laminate them for durability.
Then, complete the pages as described above except have kids use a dry erase marker to complete the pages.
As a fun alternative, you can have kids outline the images with wikki stix (wax covered yarn pieces that can be cut and bent to the shape of the image).
Books to Pair with Your Letter F Activities
Fill your book basket with a great collection of picture books. Most of these books can be found at your local library or used bookstore.
If you have a hard time finding them, you can order them through my Amazon affiliate links by clicking the images below.

What activities can I do with my preschooler to help them learn the alphabet?
This sweet set of 26 fabric letters is a great way for your child to play and learn the alphabet. Safe for all ages. And can be machine washed and dried using a small mesh bag.
These epoxy sprinkle letters are so much fun! They can be used in sensory bins , alongside educational activities, or on their own! 26 letters included!

Tara is the brains behind Homeschool Preschool, where her journey from preschool and public school teacher to homeschooling mom of three fuels her passion for early childhood education. With a blend of expertise and firsthand experience, Tara’s writings offer practical tips and engaging resources to support families in creating meaningful learning adventures at home.