5 Simple Tips for Preserving and Organizing Kids Artwork
Amazing! Five great tips for preserving and organizing kids artwork! Pick the method that works best for your family, and you’ll be clutter free in no time!
Preschoolers make a lot of art. They draw picture after picture. They paint, they build, they create. And before you know it, your children’s artwork is taking over the house!
So just how do you preserve your children’s art?
How to Preserve Children’s Artwork
Take Pictures
If you don’t have storage space available, the easiest solution is to take pictures of all your children’s artwork before tossing them. Lay the artwork on the table, and carefully take several pictures. You can store these pictures on your computer or on an external storage device.
Do note the child and date for all the pictures, so you know who created which artwork when!
Storage Containers
Another easy solution is to pick up a large storage container to hold all of your child’s artwork. Quite frankly I recommend getting a storage container for each child and labeling them. Then date the artwork before you place it into the storage container. In ten years, you’ll struggle to remember if your child was 3, 4, or 5 when they painted a specific picture.
Your kids will love rummaging through their old art work in years to come.
Use a 3-Ring Binder
A third option is to pick up a large 3-ring binder to hold your child’s artwork. These binders are easy to store on the shelf. You can also label them with the child and time period they were created. Use dividers to separate years or themes.
By the time you’re done putting the art in the binders, you’ll end up with books you and your kids can thumb through in years to come.
Frame and Hang
Don’t forget that you can frame your children’s artwork and hang the pictures on the wall. Your kids will be delighted to see their pictures treated like masterpieces of art. Hang these pictures in the children’s bedrooms, the hallway, the kitchen, and in the living room.
Your house will be much more homey with your children’s artwork displayed.
Use a Combination
My favorite method for storing children’s artwork is to use a combination of all approaches.
Frame and hang the very best of your children’s artwork. These are the pictures your child worked on for hours to get just right. These masterpieces deserve to hang in a place of pride.
Other pieces of art can be stored in 3-ring binders for the family to thumb through as the years go by. Don’t forget to keep a storage container to store both binders from previous years as well as crafts your child spent hours creating.
Many crafts are bulky and take up too much room to keep forever. So take a photograph of these and print the pictures. Store the pictures in the binders with your children’s other artwork.
The trick to preserving your children’s artwork is to choose the best method for your family’s situation. It may be best to store images of all artwork on the computer, or you may find a storage container works best. But most families will find a combination of methods is the best solution.
What is your best tip for preserving and organizing kids artwork?
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Tara is the brains behind Homeschool Preschool, where her journey from preschool and public school teacher to homeschooling mom of three fuels her passion for early childhood education. With a blend of expertise and firsthand experience, Tara’s writings offer practical tips and engaging resources to support families in creating meaningful learning adventures at home.