20 Calendar Time Activities for Kindergarten and Preschool

Start your school day off right! Use these calendar time activities to develop an engaging and interactive learning experience for your young learners.

Calendar time is an integral part of many preschool centers and early learning classrooms. I love each of the ideas featured below which can easily be adapted to fit your homeschool preschool and kindergarten needs.

If you have older children learning alongside your preschoolers, they can help out or you can add a few segments for them.

Start your school day off right! Use these calendar time activities to develop an engaging and interactive learning experience for your young learners.

20 Calendar Time Activities for Kindergarten and Preschool

Start your school day off right! Use these calendar time activities to develop an engaging and interactive learning experience for your young learners.

I hope you’ve been able to find at least (or more) calendar time activities that you will be able to incorporate into your daily homeschool preschool time.

Table of Contents

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