Books to Read in Spring
Spring is a wonderful season to explore the world of literature with preschoolers. Not only can reading aloud be a fun and enjoyable activity, but it also helps stimulate their learning and creativity while keeping them entertained.
From classic stories that have been around for decades to more modern titles that will bring out your child’s imagination, there are plenty of picture books to choose from this springtime.
Here are 15 of our favorite books to read in spring that you can enjoy with your little ones!

This spring is a great time to read picture books with preschoolers. Reading picture books can be fun and help kids learn and use their imaginations.
There are lots of picture books to choose from – some that have been around for years, and some that are new!
Picture Books Can Help Stimulate Learning and Creativity
Picture books can be powerful tools for stimulating learning and creativity in children.
They provide a vivid visual representation of a story, helping children to better imagine the characters and their actions.
The colors, scenes, and sound effects in picture books can captivate young minds and help to bring stories to life.
Picture books also encourage kids to use their imaginations as they follow the story through its twists and turns.
By offering kids an opportunity to explore new worlds, picture books help foster creativity in children of all ages.

Reading Aloud to Preschoolers
Reading aloud to young children is a critically important part of their educational and social development.
Studies have shown that reading aloud, especially in the early years, promotes brain development and helps establish a strong foundation for literacy later in life.
Listening to stories can also help kids increase their vocabulary, improve their concentration and memory, and explore different genres of literature.
Reading aloud to children can also introduce them to new concepts and create an enjoyable bonding experience between parent or caregiver and child.
It’s never too early to start reading aloud – it is truly one of the most invaluable gifts parents and caregivers can give to a child.
Books To Read In Spring
Springtime is a great time to introduce young children to picture books.
Picture books help foster imagination and creative thinking, as well as develop language skills, problem-solving abilities, and analytical skills.
In particular, these books can be used to teach children about the outdoors by introducing them to different sounds, sights, smells, and textures in nature.
Reading these types of stories together with your child helps facilitate discussion around these topics and encourages them to ask questions.
They also offer an opportunity for parents or caregivers to promote literacy while connecting with their children through shared story time.
Explore SPRING in the forest with this lively, interactive Lift-a-Flap Surprise board book!
Little ones will love learning all about springtime fun in the forest while following a mama deer and her sweet little fawn as they trek around the woods soaking in all the sights and sounds and meeting
new woodland friends.
The birds are singing, wildflowers are blooming,
raindrops plip-plop in puddles, and the rainbow is bright in the sky.
What a wonderful day to be a little fawn in the forest! A perfect way to celebrate the season with your toddler!
Before spring comes, the trees are dark sticks, the grass is brown, and the ground is covered in snow.
But if you wait, leaves unfurl and flowers blossom, the grass turns green, and the mounds of snow shrink and shrink.
Spring brings baby birds, sprouting seeds, rain and mud, and puddles.
You can feel it and smell it and hear it—and you can read it!
A perfect read-aloud, full of simple sound-words and lots of repetition, Spring is Here is ideal to share with young readers to celebrate the changing of the seasons.
Cozy mixed-media illustrations of big, fuzzy, dozing bear and his eager mole friend add detail and humor to the tale.
Fletcher enjoys the sunny weather and the warmth of spring.
But when he stumbles across snowy flakes gently floating to the ground, he spreads the news of winter’s return to all his friends.
But spring is full of wonderful surprises for Fletcher and his friends.
Here comes Spring! March along with Mama and Baby Bunny as they welcome a festive parade of budding flowers and blossoming trees, new birds, butterflies and bees, and all of their beloved friends, emerging from the winter season.
In a simple, cheerful conversation with nature, a young boy observes how the season changes from winter to
spring in Kenard Pak's Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring.
As days stretch longer, animals creep out from their warm dens, and green begins to grow again, everyone knows―spring is on its way!
Beep! Beep! Little Blue Truck is out for a ride with his good friend Toad.
The sun is shining and the flowers are blooming—it's a
beautiful spring day! Who will they see along the way?
Open the flaps to meet all of the sweet baby animals just born on the farm. Peep! Peep!
Celebrate the season of spring with raindrops, robins, bluebells, and butterflies!
In Charles Ghigna’s I See Spring, colorful illustrations are matched with rhyming, easy-to-read text that explores
rain falling, flowers blooming, and other springtime wonders.
Following a snow-filled winter, a young boy and his dog decide that they've had enough of all that brown and resolve to plant a garden.
They dig, they plant, they play, they wait . . . and wait . . . until at last, the brown becomes a more hopeful shade of brown, a sign that spring may finally be on its way.
Ruth the bunny is excited to share the smelly springtime smells of spring with Bruce!
But what will Bruce think of all that stink?
In Spring, children are taken on a tour of things they can see in spring including typical spring activities and new life and growth in the natural world.
Celebrate spring with The Very Hungry Caterpillar and his friends in this exploration of the season.
Young readers can learn all about seasonal sensory experiences, like watching clouds change shapes,
feeling cool rain on your skin, sniffing fresh blooming flowers, and so much more!
We think of spring and we feel warmer, sunny days, we smell the freshness of nature’s flowers blooming again, and we picture little chicks and furry bunnies.
These adorable baby animals are fun to look at and they represent the spirit of renewal and life that is spring.
Join April, a blind girl, in this charming rhyming picture book as she discovers the wonderful—and not-so-wonderful—smells of spring and answers questions like, “Does rain really have a smell?”
The Smell of Spring shows children how we experience the world around us through the sense of smell.
Kids will enjoy her many interesting pets and have fun with the activities at the end using the sense of smell.
Spring Sings for The Grouchy Ladybug celebrates the new life that blossoms during spring.
The animals are playing outside, the flowers are blooming, and everyone is joyous—even The Grouchy Ladybug!

Reading picture books with preschoolers is a great way to foster creativity and stimulate learning while also promoting literacy.
Not only can it help increase their vocabulary, and improve concentration and memory, but it also provides an opportunity for parents or caregivers to connect with their children through shared story time.
This spring season is the perfect time to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to bond with your kids through literature!
So get cozy on the couch, grab some picture books, and start reading together today!

Tara is the brains behind Homeschool Preschool, where her journey from preschool and public school teacher to homeschooling mom of three fuels her passion for early childhood education. With a blend of expertise and firsthand experience, Tara’s writings offer practical tips and engaging resources to support families in creating meaningful learning adventures at home.
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It just received a Mom’s Choice Award.