20 Amazing LEGO Math Ideas for Early Learners

With young learners, it is often helpful to find engaging hands-on activities to introduce, teach or reinforce academic skills.

Math is one such skill that lends itself to hands-on fun. While there is a time when worksheets and workbooks are helpful (especially if you have paper/pencil kids like me), but it’s also nice to break up the monotony with hands-on activities.

Today, I’m featuring 20 amazing LEGO math ideas. These hands-on activities focus on number identification, counting, beginning addition and subtraction, and much more!

Today, I'm featuring 20 amazing LEGO math ideas. These hands-on activities focus on number identification, counting, beginning addition and subtraction, and much more! 

20 Amazing LEGO Math Ideas for Early Learners

Today, I'm featuring 20 amazing LEGO math ideas. Hands-on activities focus on counting, beginning addition and subtraction, and much more! 
Today, I'm featuring 20 amazing LEGO math ideas. These hands-on activities focus on number identification, counting, beginning addition and subtraction, and much more! 

What’s your favorite way to teach math with LEGOs?

Table of Contents

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