25 Books About Teeth and the Tooth Fairy

Do you have a little one with a loose tooth? Have you seen all the ideas for making a visit from the Tooth Fairy more magical? Growing up and losing teeth is such a big milestone for little ones.

Here’s a great list of books about teeth and the tooth fairy to read with your kids while they are preparing for a visit from the Tooth Fairy.

Here's a great list of books about teeth and the tooth fairy to read with your kids while they are preparing for a visit from the Tooth Fairy. | homeschoolpreschool.net

25 Books About Teeth and the Tooth Fairy

Which of these books about teeth and the tooth fairy will you read first?


Fairy tales allow kids to explore ideas and concepts without fearing trolls in the night. Here are three fun ways to celebrate National Tell a Fairy Tale Day on February 26th! | @homeschlprek

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