Summer Color By Number

Your preschoolers are going to love these summer color by number pages. They’re perfect for working on number recognition and color words.

If you’re looking for a fun math activity to add to your S is for Summer or B is for Beach preschool lessons, you don’t want to miss these color by number worksheets.

Not only will these activity pages keep your little ones busy, but they’ll help reinforce early math and motor skills, as well.

These free preschool printables include eight different pictures for your preschoolers to color.

Summer Color By Number

These color by number pages provide a great opportunity to talk about sommer and summer plans. What are your preschoolers looking forward to?

Print these worksheets for your preschoolers.

I like to print them on standard printer paper.

Grab your preferred coloring medium. I prefer for my kids to use crayons – Crayola crayons to be exact. I think Crayola crayons color smoother than any other brand.

Your preschoolers can also use markers or colored pencils, if you’d prefer.


If your preschooler isn’t ready to read and identify color words yet, set out only the crayons they’ll need to complete the page.

Use those crayons to color the color word on the worksheet. Then, preschoolers can use those as visual cues to decide which crayon to use.

Round Out Your Unit with These Activities

If you love using peg dogs in your imaginative play area, you don’t want to miss these eco-friendly Summer Peg Dolls decorated with hand painted summery flowers!

Storytelling is part of the learning process. Add some summer story stones to your reading and literacy centers. 

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  1. I enjoy your ideas and suggestions for working with the young kids. Thank you for sharing with us.