Printable Honey Bee Life Cycle Diagram
This spring, teach your kids about the life cycle of a bee. This printable honey bee life cycle diagram is a great visual aid for preschoolers.
When you teach preschoolers about life cycles, you help them understand the world around them as they connect with nature.

Printable Honey Bee Life Cycle Diagram
You’ve got to add this life cycle diagram to your upcoming bee activities! It’s a great way for preschoolers to work on their coloring skills as they learn or review the stages of the life cycle of a bee.
This activity is no-prep making it perfect or busy preschool moms and teachers. All you’ll need to do is print and go!
There are so many ways to teach kids the life cycle of a bee. You can use plastic figures (I got mine at Michaels), or you can introduce the life cycle with a collection of great bee books.
Either way, you can use this life cycle worksheet in a variety of ways. You can read a book and have kids color each stage as you read about it. Or, you could use flashcards or figures. Hold one up, and have kids color it on the page.
When your preschoolers are finished coloring that diagram, have them retell the life cycle of a honey bee in order.
You can make this activity more challenging by writing the life cycle vocabulary words on post it notes. Name a stage of the life cycle, and have your kids put the post it note in the correct spot.
Fill your book basket with a great collection of books about bees. Most of these books can be found at your local library or used bookstore.
If you have a hard time finding them, you can order them through my Amazon affiliate links by clicking the images below.
Bee & Me – A little girl befriends a bee that takes her on a journey of discovery, revealing an action that every child can take to aid in conservation. The Honeybee Man – Every morning, Fred climbs three flights of stairs—up to his rooftop in Brooklyn, New York—and greets the members of his enormous family: “Good morning, my bees, my darlings!” His honeybee workers are busy—they tend the hive, feed babies, and make wax rooms. They also forage in flowers abloom across Brooklyn… so that, one day, Fred can make his famous honey, something the entire neighborhood looks forward to tasting.The Life and Times of the Honeybee – Why do beekeepers use smoke machines when collecting honey? Can a bee really sting only once? Why do bees “dance”? In concise, detailed text and abundant illustrations that range from the humorous to the scientific, Charles Micucci offers a wide-ranging and spirited introduction to the life cycle, social organization, and history of one of the world’s most useful insects.
Teaching Resources
Teach your children the role of bees in our ecosystems with a Save the Bees Adventure Box. This kit will provide you with all of the resources you need to begin your journey of becoming a lifelong caretaker of the bees. Let your kids play with honey bee slime that smells just like honey!
Tara is the brains behind Homeschool Preschool, where her journey from preschool and public school teacher to homeschooling mom of three fuels her passion for early childhood education. With a blend of expertise and firsthand experience, Tara’s writings offer practical tips and engaging resources to support families in creating meaningful learning adventures at home.
Great prints I love them
This is great for my preschoolers!
Thank you!