Color by Number Snowman

These color by number snowman worksheets are perfect for preschoolers. They will learn their colors, number recognition, and reading color words while they’re having fun.

You can use these worksheets to keep your preschooler entertained during the winter months. The whole family can enjoy them!

Add these color by number worksheets to your upcoming winter lesson plans or as a fun and engaging activity at home.

To use our printables with your preschoolers, start by printing out the worksheet of your choice.

Then, color in the spaces according to the number assigned to each color. When they’re finished, they’ll have a colorful snowman to display!

These fun worksheets are a great way for kids to practice their colors and math skills.

They’re perfect for wintertime, and can be enjoyed by the whole family.

Color by Number Snowman Printables

In this pack of winter printables, you’ll receive six color by number worksheets. Each page features a different snowman for your preschoolers to color, and they feature numbers 1-9 and 11-19.

Benefits of using color by number worksheets

One of the benefits of using color by number worksheets with preschoolers is that it helps them develop their fine motor skills.

Another benefit is that it helps them learn to identify colors and match them to the correct number.


  • Printer
  • Paper
  • Snowman coloring pages (Enter your information at the bottom of this post to receive the download link.)
  • crayons or markers


To use our printables with your preschoolers, start by printing out the worksheet of your choice.

Then, match the colors to the numbers assigned to each color. When they’re finished, they’ll have a colorful snowman to display!

These fun worksheets are a great way for kids to practice their colors and math skills.

They’re perfect for wintertime and can be enjoyed by the whole family.

Differentiated Instruction

Differentiated instruction is a teaching method that provides students with different learning opportunities based on their individual needs.

This allows all students to be engaged in the learning process, and helps them reach their full potential.

There are many different ways to differentiate instruction on color by number worksheets.

This worksheet packet includes three worksheets featuring the numbers 1-9 and three worksheets featuring the numbers 11-19. Choose the set that works best for your child’s number recognition skills.

For children who can’t read the color words, you can shade the color word with the correct crayon and have your child match the number to the color swatch instead of the color word.

Snowman Books for Kids

There are many books about snowmen. They are written for kids of different ages. Some of the books have stories, and others are just pictures of snowmen.

Here are some of our favorites:

These books would be great to read aloud to your child before or after working on the color by number snowman worksheets.

More Snowman Activities for Kids

Snowman Activity Kits for Preschoolers

This snowman DIY kit will help kids get in the mood for some winter crafting fun.

A sparkly winter wonderland playdough kit is perfect for hours of winter sensory play.

These snowman suncatchers will look beautiful hanging in the window all season long.

With so many fun and educational activities to do with snowmen, your preschooler is sure to have a blast learning during the winter months.

From color by number worksheets to books and activity kits, there’s something for everyone. Be sure to enjoy these activities together as a family!

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    1. Scroll to the bottom of the post, sign up for exclusive content, and you can download the color by number snowman from the download page. Enjoy! 😊

  1. I simply love the color the Snowman by number activity and the differentiation that it offers for the children! Thanks so much for sharing!