Bear Snores On Sequencing Cards

These Bear Snores On sequencing cards are a great way to talk about animals and hibernation. Practice retelling and sequencing the story.

Story sequencing cards are a great tool to have on hand when teaching young readers to read.

They provide children with an opportunity to retell the story in order, and allow you to check reading comprehension.

These Bear Snores On sequencing cards are a great way to talk about animals and hibernation. Practice retelling and sequencing the story. 

Give your preschoolers a jump start on storytelling and sequencing with this sequencing activity featuring Karma Wilson’s Bear Snores On.

Bear Snores On Sequencing Cards

One cold winter night, Bear’s friends gather in his cave to have a party. Bear snores on through it all.

Kids will get a kick out of what happens when he finally wakes up and finds his cave full of animals having a party without him!

To start the lesson, read Bear Snores On to your preschoolers. Be sure to share the pictures as you read so they can follow along with the story.

If you don’t have a copy of the book on hand, you can share this video read-aloud with them before moving on to the activities below.

After reading through the story or sharing the video with your kids, show your preschoolers the sequencing discs (you choose which set), and see if they can put the discs in order as you read the story aloud one more time.

This story sequencing activity is pretty low-prep. Just print out the pages you need, cut out the sequencing discs, and you’re all set.

If students are working independently, they can cut and paste the sequencing discs onto the sequencing mat.

Alternatively, you can laminate the pages and use them in your literacy center. Just add velcro dots to the story sequencing mat and on the back of the discs.

With four different sets of sequencing discs, you can choose which set to use with your kids.

Choose the blank discs, or choose a set of the labeled ones. The labeled discs have items labeled, ordinal numbers, or ordinal number words.

Teaching Resources

Preschoolers will have fun learning about 8 types of bears in this Let’s Learn About Bears preschool unit study! There are enough activities to span a week or more!

Discover fun and engaging printable The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear activities that are perfect for tots and preschoolers.

Prepare your preschoolers for their first loose tooth with some quick, fun activities to go along with Bear’s Loose Tooth by Karma Wilson.

Introduce your child to mammals with 3-part cards featuring real animal images.

This engaging felt board story was designed to go along with the book “Bear Snores On” by Karma Wilson. Felt stories are a great teaching resource for promoting a love of reading.

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